

Writing is a skill that transcends academic and professional disciplines.



写作中心 is a resource for the entire campus community. Whether you’re a freshman in your first composition class, 经验丰富的作家, or working on an article for publication, everyone can benefit from collaboration during the writing process. In addition to its presence on PBA’s main campus, you can also take part in synchronous online appointments.

When you’re able to write effectively and communicate through the written word in a compelling way, you’ll set yourself apart no matter what profession you’re planning to enter. Empowering you with this important skill is what PBA’s 写作中心 is all about.

写作中心 staff consists of student coaches who enthusiastically provide support and guidance. Our coaches love to assist writers achieve the skills necessary to express themselves clearly and successfully at the University and beyond. They’re committed to helping strengthen your ideas, streamline your thoughts and build skills for future assignments no matter what stage you may be in the writing process.

  • 头脑风暴的想法
  • 创建大纲
  • 写初稿
  • 修改
  • 校对


No. You can always come to 写作中心 anytime it’s open. 我们接受预约.
However, if you have a specific time frame you need to meet, it’s a good idea to make an appointment. 当你走进来, you might have to wait to see a coach; when you have an appointment, 那段时间属于你.

Though we do accept in-person walk-ins, we recommend making an appointment to guarantee a time slot. Before you can make an in-person or online appointment, 请在我们的日程系统中登记, WCONLINE. 您必须使用您的PBA电子邮件进行注册.

创建密码 & 登录
As you complete the registration, you’ll be asked to create a password. This password is not related to your PBA password; it can be any combination of 5 letters and/or numbers. This password does not change unless you change it.

After you log in, select an available date, time, and writing coach for your appointment. All WHITE boxes are available for appointments. You can schedule up to two 30-minute appointments per day, and those can be back-to-back to create an hour-long appointment.

After you click on the available appointment, 将出现一个弹出屏幕, asking you to let the writing coach know a little about what you want to work on. 点击“创建约会”.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it. The system will permit you to cancel up to 30 minutes before your appointment. To cancel, log in to the schedule and click on your appointment. Click the CANCEL button at the bottom of the pop-up and your appointment is canceled.

To make an ONLINE APPOINTMENT be sure to select “是的. Schedule Online appointment” when creating your session.

About 10 minutes before your appointment time, you should log into the schedule where you made your appointment.

You should have: the document you want to work on in an electronic file that is easily accessible and a computer with an adequate Internet connection that also has a working microphone and speaker. Once you enter your online session on WCONLINE, your coach may send you a separate Zoom link, 因为Zoom支持屏幕共享.

If you have any difficulty connecting to your session, contact us at writingcentral@mit-storeonline-sa.com


You should bring the prompt and/or rubric for your assignment so your writing coach can refer to it when looking at your work. 你可以把你的论文纸质版带来, 在闪存盘上, or you can use an 写作中心 computer to pull up the assignment from your email or drop box. Bring any other materials necessary to understand your assignment and complete your goals for the session.

Your coach will begin by asking you about the class and the assignment. Your coach will then talk with you about your goals for the session and you’ll decide what you want to focus on. 在剩下的时间里, you and your coach will work collaboratively to both improve the project you’re working on and to improve your writing skills overall.

我们可以在这方面帮助你. We are not an editing service where you simply drop off your paper for someone else to correct; however, 我们与客户通力合作. We can help you to polish and finish your paper.

绝对! We can assist with APA, MLA, and Turabian formatting. We encourage clients to utilize resources available at 写作中心 such as tip sheets and style guides to find the answers to your formatting questions.

是的! We can show you how to take your research and integrate it into your paper properly and avoid plagiarism in the process.

阅读教练简介. Find someone who shares a related major or hobby if possible. If you do not feel you connect well with the coach you chose, you can always select a different coach for your next session.

你可以找到相关信息 在这里.

When you are required to attend a 写作中心 session for a specific assignment, 马上让你的教练知道. We have a report form we can complete for you, and you can send that to your professor. Please note that we cannot simply sign a form for you without completing the session.

我们可以帮你进行头脑风暴! Bring your assignment prompt 写作中心. We can work collaboratively to figure out what interests you and what you could write about for the assignment.



Danielle is an enthusiastic nursing student. 她在地拉那长大, Albania as a missionary kid before moving to the USA two years ago to attend PBA. Danielle loves reading, running, and debating apologetics and philosophy. In her spare time, Danielle is always studying for her nursing classes!


Dorothy is studying English and Education. Her favorite part of the writing process is brainstorming because it’s the part that gets you excited about what’s next. Before moving to 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 to attend college, she lived in central Ohio where she was previously employed as a bank teller and teacher’s aide. She enjoys exploring parks (city, state, or national) and local coffee shops in her free time. Knowing that everyone has different strengths in writing helps her look forward to meeting clients every day!


Halle is an honors student studying for an English major and Creative Writing minor. She is a native South Floridian, but her heart belongs to Europe. Her favorite part of the writing process is researching and gathering sources. 当她不读书或写作的时候, 她喜欢瑜伽, 射箭, racquetball and listening to music nonstop.


汉纳克. is a sophomore Biblical Studies major with an Education minor, hoping to pursue missions and/or teaching after graduation. She is very extroverted, loves sports and she works for the chapel office as well. 你可能在附近见过她! A fun fact is that she has had one article published for an online magazine. 作为一个写作教练, she loves to help clients coherently express themselves and their ideas through their writing.

Johnna R.

Johnna R. is an honors student majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. 她来自西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, FL, 但住在科尼尔斯, GA for thirteen years before coming to PBA. Her favorite parts of the writing process are brainstorming and polishing. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢去海滩, reading (favorite books include Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland and A Wrinkle in Time), 写作和游戏. She intends to become a novelist and poet, while teaching English.


基拉T. is an honors student majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. Originally from Orlando, FL, Kira now lives in West Palm with her husband. Her favorite parts of the writing process are brainstorming and editing—though when it comes to creative writing, she loves when random characters take over her predetermined plot. 除了阅读和写作, 她喜欢音乐剧。, 烘焙, gardening and hosting afternoon tea parties.


妮可年代traussman-Allen oversees the scheduling, staffing, outreach and development of WC. She has been a part of the PBA family since her freshman year in 2010. She received her BA in Music Education and realized her passion for teaching at the collegiate level after her study abroad semester in Roehampton, 英格兰. 她获得了英国文学硕士学位, with a concentration in science fiction and fantasy, from Florida Atlantic University in 2017 and began teaching at PBA as an adjunct instructor (English and Humanities) a few weeks later.

Throughout her graduate school and teaching career, she has worked at university writing centers and has witnessed first-hand how writing coaching can positively impact students’ success in their academic careers and beyond. She has over nine years experience working as a writing center coach and administrative assistant and is CRLA certified Level Three.

Nicole, her husband, her two little boys Peter and Silas (and their goldendoodle, Zelda!我住在博因顿海滩.

She looks forward to meeting up with you at 写作中心!


Savannah is an honors student studying English with a minor in Creative Writing. She’s had a few poems published so far and hopes to release a novel one day—preferably while living in the Scottish countryside. She loves to read anything from high fantasy to sci-fi to classics to romance, but Percy Jackson holds a special place in her heart. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢在厨房里做实验, go to the movies and play cards with her friends.


Terra米. is majoring in International Business and minoring in Creative Writing. She has lived all over the US, having moved 11 times and her family currently lives in Norfolk, VA. Her favorite parts of the writing process are brainstorming and outlining. 在她空闲的时候 she likes learning foreign languages, reading, writing and listening to music.


Tyler is pursuing a major in English with a minor in creative writing. 他来自密歇根州的斯普林湖. He loves reading fantasy and mythology genres such as The Odyssey and The Lord of the Rings. 泰勒和他的双胞胎兄弟, 克里斯, both enjoy spending time discussing various aspects of 克里斯tian theology. During his free time, Tyler enjoys playing tennis and golf and reading.


星期一:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.

星期二:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.

星期三:下午1点.m. – 6 p.m.

星期四:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.

星期五:下午1点.m. – 4 p.m.

周日:下午3点.m. – 9 p.m. (在线)




找一份不错的校内工作? 写作中心 staff consists of student coaches who enthusiastically provide support and guidance. Our coaches love to assist writers achieve the skills necessary to express themselves clearly and successfully at the University and beyond. If you think you would be a good fit, please contact awe@mit-storeonline-sa.com 了解更多信息.